- Description:
The Town of Palm Beach is seeking to utilize the most qualified contractors for its pump stations renovation projects.
The purpose of this solicitation is to pre-qualify proposers for a vendor pool, for miscellaneous pump stations renovation projects. This solicitation requires the submission of documents and forms intended to verify that the proposer meets or exceeds the minimum criteria set forth elsewhere in this solicitation. Proposers which best meet or exceed the criteria established in this solicitation shall be placed in a Pre-Qualification Vendor Pool that in future will be accessed by Town requesting to submit their bids to perform miscellaneous pump station and related projects for the Town of Palm Beach, Florida.
STATEMENTS OF WORK For each subsequent project under this contract, the Town will provide to pre-qualified pool of vendors a written and complete Statement of Work specific to that project. If available, drawings and other documentation will be provided to assist the proposers in properly estimating reasonable costs to perform the work.
Emergency repairs shall be addressed on a case by case basis. In most cases contractor must respond within four hours. The Proposer is expected to furnish all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to repair, make repairs, expand capacity or completely renovate and/or replace sanitary and storm pumping stations and miscellaneous structures at various sites within the Town of Palm Beach.
SUBMISSION The Town only accepts online submittal of proposals through Mercel/Negometrix, the eProcurement platform linked to the Town website, promoting a greener footprint. Late submissions will not be accepted by Town nor by its e-Procurement platform.
AWARD The contracts resulting from this RFQ will be for a one (1) year period with options to renew for up to four (4) additional annual periods, pending acceptable performance evaluation.
PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE *This Pre-Proposal meeting will be conducted via virtual conference, through the Go-To-Meeting platform*
A "NON-MANDATORY" Pre-Proposal RFQ No. 2022-06 Prequalification of Sanitary and Storm Pump Station Vendors Wed, Nov 17, 2021 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (EST)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/867299805
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 867-299-805
Attendance is strongly encouraged as this will be the only forum to seek clarification from Town staff.
QUESTION DEADLINE The deadline for questions is seven (7) CALENDAR DAYS before the end of the Offer Phase (due date).
Questions should be submitted through this software platform using the Question & Answer feature.
The Town may provide written addenda up to five (5) calendar days before the date fixed for receiving the bid proposals.
SELECTION COMMITTEE MEETING Consensus Virtual Meeting through Go-To-Meeting platform will be held on Dec 13, 2021 at 3:00pm. (Please see instructions attached)
If the Selection Committee calls for Oral Interviews, purchasing will invite vendors directly with time/day.
DESIGNATED PROCUREMENT REPRESENTATIVE The Designated Procurement Representative for this Solicitation is: Anthony Hernandez Junior Buyer ahernandez@townofpalmbeach.com (561) 227-7003
All communications regarding this solicitation shall be handled only by Town Purchasing Representatives.
ASSISTANCE & SUPPORT Attached below is a file titled 'Getting Started in Negometrix - Supplier Guide'. Suppliers may also contact the Negometrix support desk at the number provided.
NEGOMETRIX SUPPORT CONTACT: (Technical) Assistance (Mon - Fri: 8 am to 6 pm) Negometrix Service Desk Telephone: (724) 888-5294 Email: servicedesk.us@negometrix.com
- Documents:
- Type:
- Sealed without Preselection
- Published on:
- Nov 5 2021 12:01 PM
- Offer phase:
- Nov 7 2021 7:00 AM — Dec 7 2021 2:00 PM
- Information about contract: