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7625 Bid No. 2021-22 - Roof Inspection Services


Town of Palm Beach
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Solicitations Palm Beach

(561) 838-5406




The Town of Palm Beach, is seeking bids from qualified contractors to provide roof inspection services for various facilities. The selected vendor shall not provide any roof repair services under this contract; this contract is for consulting and scope-writing service only. These services will be required on an as-needed basis.

It is the intent of The Town of Palm Beach to establish a single Contract with a qualified roofing consultant for Roof-inspection and Scope-writing Services, on an as-needed basis. The Town has multiple facilities with roofing systems of various types including but not limited to asphalt, modified bitumen, metal, barrel and concrete flat tile. These facilities require inspections to identify roofing problems and issues which might require corrective measures to be performed before the integrity of the roof system is compromised.

The contract resulting from this Invitation to Bid will be for a one (1) year period with four (4) additional options of one (1) year each, to be renewed on annual basis, pending review and approval of the vendor's performance, for a possible five (5) year maximum contract.

The Town only accepts online submittal of proposals through Negometrix, the eProcurement platform linked to the Town website, promoting a greener footprint. Town will not accept paper bids by mail and the system will not allow late submissions.

Award will be made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, whose bid meets the requirements and criteria set forth in this Invitation to Bid.
The Town reserves the right to award to the bidder(s) who will best serve the interests of the Town. The Town reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids and to award or not award a contract based on this bid proposal.

A "NON-MANDATORY" pre-bid  meeting will be held on:
Date/Time: Wednesday August 11th, 2021 10:00 AM EPT

******This pre-bid meeting will be conducted via virtual conference through Go To Meeting platform. Please see attached Go To Meeting instructions******

Attendance is strongly encouraged as this will be the only forum to seek clarification from Town staff.

A "NON-MANDATORY" public bid opening will be held on:
Date/Time: Friday August 27th, 2021 2:00 PM EPT

******This bid opening will be conducted via virtual conference through Go To Meeting platform. Please see attached Go To Meeting instructions******

The deadline for questions is SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS before the end of the Offer Phase (due date).

Questions should be submitted through this software platform using the Question & Answer feature. An alternative is to email directly to the lead purchasing agent. 

The Town may provide written addenda up to FIVE (5) calendar days before the date fixed for receiving the bid proposals. Any oral explanation(s) given before the bid opening will not be binding.

The Designated Procurement Representatives for this Solicitation is:
Ryan Canterbury
Email: rcanterbury@townofpalmbeach.com
Direct phone: (561) 227-7002

All communications regarding this solicitation shall be handled only by Town Purchasing Representatives.

Attached below is a file titled 'Getting Started in Negometrix - Supplier Guide'. Suppliers may also contact the Negometrix support desk at the number provide

(Technical) Assistance (Mon - Fri: 8 am to 6 pm) Negometrix Service Desk Telephone: (724) 888-5294

Bid No. 2021-22 - Roof Inspection Services - Bid Opening.pdf 72 Kb



Bid No. 2021-22 - Roof Inspection Services - Pre-Bid Meeting.pdf 72 Kb



Getting Started.pdf 4728 Kb



Negometrix Supplier Registration.pdf 1743 Kb



Sealed without Preselection
Published on:
Jul 30 2021 8:09 AM
Offer phase:
Jul 30 2021 2:00 PM — Aug 27 2021 2:00 PM
Information about contract:

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