- Description:
DESCRIPTION: General Information about this solicitation:
The Town of Palm Beach is seeking proposals from qualified Contractors to provide moving services. Successful vendors shall furnish all labor, equipment, vehicles, and other items necessary to accomplish the move. All personnel is required to be employees of the successful vendor. No contract or day laborers are permitted. No subcontracting is permitted under this Contract without written permission from the Town. The successful vendor's employees shall wear a uniform while performing Town tasks. The uniform must clearly identify the company. An employee name tag is optional but preferred.
The Town only accepts online submittal of proposals through Negometrix, the eProcurement platform linked to the Town website, promoting a greener footprint. The town will not accept paper bids by mail, and the system will not allow late submissions.
AWARD Award will be made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidders, on all or none basis with a designated Primary / Secondary, whose bid meets the requirements and criteria set forth in this Invitation to Bid. The Town reserves the right to award to that bidder who will best serve the Town's interests. The Town reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids and to award or not award a contract based on this bid proposal. Vendors may choose to propose on a single lot/zones or multiple lot/zones, as they see fit, to provide the best responsive and responsible bid to the Town of Palm Beach.
PRE-BID CONFERENCE A "NON-MANDATORY" pre-bid meeting will be held on: Date/Time: Pre-Bid "NON MANDATORY" GoToMeeting RFB No. 44-2021 - Moving Services Thu, Aug 5, 2021 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/566450069
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (571) 317-3122
Access Code: 566-450-069
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/566450069
******This pre-bid meeting will be conducted via virtual conference through Go To Meeting platform. Please see attached Go To Meeting instructions******
Bidders should visually inspect the site(s) where the work is to be completed. Bidders are advised to make a thorough inspection of the extent of work. Failure to visually inspect the sites shall be at the bidder's risk.
Attendance is strongly encouraged as this will be the only forum to seek clarification from Town staff.
QUESTION DEADLINE The deadline for questions is SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS before the end of the Offer Phase (due date).
Questions should be submitted through this software platform using the Question & Answer feature. An alternative is to email directly to the lead purchasing agent.
The Town may provide written addenda up to FIVE (5) calendar days before the date fixed for receiving the bid proposals. Any oral explanation(s) given before the bid opening will not be binding.
DESIGNATED PROCUREMENT REPRESENTATIVE The Designated Procurement Representative for this Solicitation is: Anthony Hernandez, Junior Buyer E-mail: ahernandez@TownOfPalmBeach.com Phone: (561) 227-7003
All communications regarding this solicitation will be handled by this Town representative.
ASSISTANCE & SUPPORT Attached below is a file titled 'Getting Started in Negometrix - Supplier Guide.' This file will provide useful information on how Suppliers use the system to obtain the solicitation information and submit their own Solicitation Response. Suppliers may also contact the Negometrix support desk at the number provided.
NEGOMETRIX SUPPORT (Technical) Assistance (Mon - Fri: 8 am to 6 pm) Negometrix Service Desk Telephone: (724) 888-5294 Email: servicedesk@negometrix.com
- Documents:
How to register on Negometrix.pdf 442 Kb
| Preview
Town of Palm Beach Florida INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS 1.24.19.pdf 215 Kb
| Preview
- Type:
- Sealed without Preselection
- Published on:
- Jul 28 2021 2:02 PM
- Offer phase:
- Jul 28 2021 2:00 PM — Aug 30 2021 10:00 AM
- Information about contract: